Monday, March 16, 2009

Service Learing Article

Wednesday afternoon, students running around the halls, in and out of classrooms taking surveys that’s right, it’s service learning day. Service learning is a school wide project. Different groups work on city wide, state wide, and school wide projects. Groups organize fairs, bake sales, make gardens, and more. There are positives and negatives views. People also feel it needs improvements.

When some students were asked if they like service learning they said no. One student said it was “Useless.” Service learning does not happen regularly. It seems to happen whenever they remember, not giving teachers enough time to fix their lessons. Mr. Romero said, “I don’t like classes to be shorter.” Julia Fusco agreed. If we do have service learning it is usually on a half day, shortening already short classes. Some students so not even like their groups. Taking to long to decide got them put into any group that had room. Other students are only in groups because their friends are, and are not even interested in the groups work.

As many students that do not like service learning, there are students that do like service learning. One student, Korin Lassiter, in the group Frankie`s Fight says, “It’s a good learning experience.” Which is true. Each group has its own way of learning something. Frankie’s Fight plans a fair. Recycling got the school several bins, and there are so many more successful groups. Students came up with some of the ideas for the groups, Mrs. Klose co- advisor of service learning stated, “The ideas students came up with were outstanding and very workable projects.”

Everyone had different views on service learning, but everyone agreed it needed improvements. Groups do not meet on a regular basis. Two meetings fell on snow days, and we only had about four meetings overall. Civic engagement is one of the three main focuses of our school, Mrs. Klose said, “I think the school needs to devote to it, since it is one of the three main focuses of the school, it keeps getting pushed aside.” All of the people I interviewed said the same thing; more time needs to be devoted.

So some Wednesday’s are chaotic, but not many. People like service learning others are not fond of it. If it were to happen more often people may like it more. If the advisor and principle could take these things into consideration more students and teachers would enjoy service-learning day.

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