Monday, March 3, 2008

service learning

For service learning I had these 5 ideas..
-Helping in my neighborhood
-Going to my old school and helping my old English teacher
-Help at a local hospital
-Raise money for cancer or something by doing a walk
-Calling Human Resources and asking if they know anything I can do

For the school wide service learning I would say..
-Raising money for cancer or other foundations
-Doing the public annocuement thing
-Do a walk-a-thon as a school around a park and donate money
-Each week or day have a different group volunteer at different places

The idea I picked to do for service learning is helping in my neighborhood. My neighborhood is having a play and they needed help they said to just show up on the next practice. I showed up on March 10th to see what they wanted me to do. They had a lot for me to do. They need help painting props, making props, taking pictures, and other stuff. They practice 2 times a week Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30.

Over spring break I still had service learning. I was helping the little kids learn their lines. Also, I helped the people running the play think of things that were needed to have the play, there is still a lot of things to do. 1 thing is to make and paint props they aren't that far and are still working on that. Also, getting costumes for each character. That is what they are working on next week

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