Friday, November 21, 2008


Unknown.. "Alice Paul's Fight for Suffrage.."PBSKids.. 21 Nov 2008 .
This is a secondary source. They talk about everything Alice Paul went through to get the right to vote.
This is a good source because I'm able to find out how hard she tried to get the right for women to vote. 

Bettman, Corbls. "Alice Paul"Women in Histroy. 25Jan2008. 21Nov2008 .
This is a secondary source. The website talks about her family background, education, and many accomplishments. 
This is a good source because it does not just focus on her family life and education. They talk about all the accomplishments she made through her whole life.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Alice Paul, is known for working with the women's suffrage. She was one of the reasons why the 9th Amendment and the Equal Rights Amendment were passed. She joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association(NAWSA) because of her beliefs for equal rights. This lead to the beginning of the National Women's Party(NWP). Alice Paul did everything she could to get the rights for women to vote. In 1977, she organized a march in Washington D.C to show how bad her and other women wanted the chance to have a say in what goes. After, the 9th amendment was passed she wanted more. She started to push for the Equal Rights Amendment. The Equal Rights Amendment, like the 19th amendment, took a while to pass. It finally passed in 1970, but not enough states ratified it. It took about 10 years for it to be passed. But, no matter what happened weather she was arrested, beat up, or had to starve herself, she never stopped trying to make men rights as equal as women's.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Annotation #4.

"Alice Paul Biography." Women of History. 23 Oct 2008 .

This is a secondary source. It is a biography of Alice Paul's whole life. They talk about her background, family, education, and involvement in the women suffrage.

This is a really good source for me. It lets people understand her family life a little more. They talk about her education. They also talk about how she got started in the Women's suffrage. It says her beliefs in the womens rights to vote, and equal rights.

Thesis Statement.

I believe Alice Paul was one of the reasons the 19th Amendment and Equal Rights Amendments were passed. Alice Paul joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) because she believed that women should the right to vote. After that she decided she wanted more, she started the National Womens Party(NWP) in 1913. This , group worked at a federal level to pass the bill. In 1920, when the 19th Amendment was passed Alice Paul wanted even more then the right to vote. She wanted the Equal Rights Amendment passed also. It took years but in 1970 the bill finally passed. Although not enough states ratified it in time it was passed within 10 years. Alice Paul was decided to equals rights for men and women, it just shows when you really want something your willing to go out and get it.

Annotation #3.

"The Alice Paul Memorial March, Washington, D.C. 1977." 23 Oct 2008 .

This is a secondary source. This article is about the memorial march they had for Alice Paul.

This article could be very helpful to me. Not only do they talk about the memorial march but they talk about the first one. The march is an important part of my research. I think it was symbolic and showed how dedicated women were. The article says the importance of the march to the women's suffrage.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Annoation #2

Lewis, Jone. "Alice Paul." 20 Oct 2008

This is a secondary source. It says important dates and different books on Alice Paul. This could help me find out important events and books I could use to do my paper.

In this article it talks about important dates. Also, how Alice Paul started the National Women's Party (NWP). It talks the difference between the NWP and the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). The article also talks about the Equal Rights Amendment.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Annotation.

Rebecca Carol, Kristina Myers, Dr. Janet Lindman., "Alice Paul Biography." Alice Paul Institute. Alice Paul Institute. 16 Oct 2008 .

This article is about the life of Alice Paul. It talks about where she grew up, and about her parents. The article also, talks about how she got into the women's suffrage and what she did for it.

The article is a secondary source. It tells me a lot of things about Alice Paul's life. This article helps me because it tells me about things I want to learn about her. In the article it talks about everything she did for the women's suffrage. It talks about how she started the National Women's Party. Also, about the things she went through to get the 19th amendment passed.

Topic Selection.

For NHD this year I choose Alice Paul because I am interested in what she did for the women's suffrage. She is important to history because without her efforts we might not have had the right to vote. Also, we wouldn't have the National Women's Party, and the World Women's Party.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Make up Assignment

Super delegates are elected offical's sometimes former, who vote for a democratic running for president. Their votes decide who will be the nomnie for president.

I think the cons are that most of them vote for the popular one. I don't think it's fair because they should vote for who they think should win. Just because they have the most votes doesn't mean they will be a good president.

I think the pros are that even if they vote for the popular one they know what it take to be president. Some might choose the right one they think should win. They might change their mind and choose the other one because they think that they are better. person

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Independent Service Learning Working With Community Theater Group

Do I have more/less understanding or empathy than I did before volunteering?
I would say more understanding than I did before I volunteered. Before I volunteered I didn't really care about what they did in the community because no one else did. But, then I saw that not many people help out there and it was really hard for them to put on the show. They really appreciated me and were happy I helped out.
What have you learned about this agency, these people, or the community?
I learned that not my whole community doesn't try and make it better. There was very few, but some people came out to support it. That is what made me realize that I should try to help them more so they can do more plays.
How is the issue/agency you're serving impacted by what is going on in the larger political/social sphere?
The theater group in my community (Fishtown) doesn't get many people each time they do a play. The older kids aren't into it and the younger that do come out quit half way through. As the kids get older they might not want to do it any more and not all parents allow their kids to come out each year. So, the group may get smaller and smaller each year they do it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Service learning 05/15

1. We haven't really been planning anything because the fair is over but we are looking for things to do to help cancer. We watched a video about what it's like to be in a family with a child with cancer. 

a. I was frustrated when Mrs.D made us write about our experience at the fair and what we would do to change it because it good and we aren't even doing it next year.

b. Through service learning i have learned the following about the issue of cancer. I learned that it can happen at any age and can keep coming back no matter what. 

c. I found out that when the parents with cancer complain about their lives being wrecked they aren't lying because it is hard to see your child that way.

d. I learned that i feel worse for kids with cancer. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Service Learning 05/09

1a. I have learned about childhood cancer. I learned how it affected kids, how they were treated and different kinds that I didn't know about. 
b. Through service learning I learned that not only the kids are affected by cancer but their family, friends, and the people around them.
c. If I were in charge of this group I would change how many fundraisers we do and how often we do them.

2. For May 15 we could talk about another fundraiser next year, different kinds of fundraisers we could do, and how we can get the word out more. 

3. I read Nikki's blog and she is in N.H.D survival. She said that they are making a documentary about the right and wrong ways to do N.H.D. The subject they picked was crooked police. They started shooting the other day. They are going to have mini papers, plays, and exhibits. 

Friday, May 2, 2008

Service learning 5/1/08

We didnt really do much at the meeting but talk about who was going on saturday. We also advertised around the school.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Service Learning April 24..

At our meeting we had a few successful things. They were we got hot dogs and people brought in money.  We still need things for raffles, like baskets and things like that. Well the fair is on Saturday so I'm not sure what we're doing in the next weeks. I was the recorder. 

Next week we are making baskets.  

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Service learning meeting

On thrusday our group covered a lot of things at the meeting, like what we had to do. We found out all the things that had to be done and who had to handle what. Bridget told us ways to raise money so we can get started on buying raffles. One challenge was getting hotdogs. But that day i got them donated. Another challenge was who was going to be there that day to help. The job i would like is material person.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Last friday at the service learning meeting we covered a lot of ground. We made a list of what we needed and got papers to get sponsers. We also went over who was going to do what.

Monday, March 3, 2008

service learning

For service learning I had these 5 ideas..
-Helping in my neighborhood
-Going to my old school and helping my old English teacher
-Help at a local hospital
-Raise money for cancer or something by doing a walk
-Calling Human Resources and asking if they know anything I can do

For the school wide service learning I would say..
-Raising money for cancer or other foundations
-Doing the public annocuement thing
-Do a walk-a-thon as a school around a park and donate money
-Each week or day have a different group volunteer at different places

The idea I picked to do for service learning is helping in my neighborhood. My neighborhood is having a play and they needed help they said to just show up on the next practice. I showed up on March 10th to see what they wanted me to do. They had a lot for me to do. They need help painting props, making props, taking pictures, and other stuff. They practice 2 times a week Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30.

Over spring break I still had service learning. I was helping the little kids learn their lines. Also, I helped the people running the play think of things that were needed to have the play, there is still a lot of things to do. 1 thing is to make and paint props they aren't that far and are still working on that. Also, getting costumes for each character. That is what they are working on next week

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NHD Reflections

NHD was a challenging project. We needed 30 annotated sources, primary and secondary. The amount of work you did depended on the type of project you did. I did a paper, 1,500 words or more. You needed to include a lot of information to help the reader understand but have a voice at the same time. But the most challenging part for me was looking up information. It wasnt that there wasnt enough, but too much. Every issue has 2 sides and that was the problem. If I went on a website it only gave 1 side of the story, so it was hard to get both sides it. My success was that I got both sides of the story. I found information that some people didnt even know about. Also that I finished the paper and in the right amount of words. I learned more about MOVE and what they were like. At first I only had 1 side of the story, but as I went on I learned what they were like. That they just seemed a little misunderstood in the beginning but as the city made them into something else they became in that. I also learned how to manage my time and how to write a bibliography.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alice Walker

Alice Walker is a great author. In her life she has had some problems. But, she also had success in writing. She wrote many books including The Color Purple.

Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia. When she was younger she lost sight in on eye. She went to Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia in 1961 for 2 years. Then she went to Sarah Lawrence College in New York, and completed her bachelor’s degree in 1965. She worked for New York City Welfare. Two years later she married Melvyn Roseman Leventhal. They moved to Jackson, Mississippi and Alice worked as a writer at Jackson State College from 1968-69. Then Tougaloo College from 1970-71.

Alice Walker wrote many books. Her first book was poems, Once in 1968. The poems were about a man she fell in love with in Africa. One year later she wrote a short story called The Hell With Dying. In 1972, she wrote more poems Five Poems. Then in 1973, she wrote Revolutionary Petunias and Other Poems, which was nominated for a National Book Award. Also, short stories In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women. This earned her an American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letter Award. Plus a novel The 3rd life of Grange Copeland. In 1976, she wrote the novel Meridian. In 1981 she wrote her second collection of stories You Cant Keep a Good Women Down. An essay collection in 1981 In Search of our Mothers Gardens: Womenist Prose. In 1983 she wrote her most controversial book The Color Purple. Other novels she wrote are The Temple of Familiar in 1989. Possessing the Secret of Joy in 1992, and By the Light of my Fathers Smile in 1998.

Alice Walker has done many great things, and won many awards. She talked for women movements, the anti-apartheid movement and the antinuclear movement. She won the Pulitzer Prize for The Color Purple. The Lillian Smith award from the National Endowment for the Arts. She won The Rosenthal Award from the National Institute of Arts and Letters. Also, a Radcliffe Institute Fellowship, a Merill Fellowship, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. Alice Walker won the Front Page Award for the best magazine criticism from the Newswomen Cub of New York, the Townsend Prize and a Lyndhurst Prize.

As you can see, Alice Walker was very successful. She wrote many books and won many awards. Her life wasn’t easy, but she over came it. Alice Walker may have changed many lives just through the books she writes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Should Huck Finn be taught in CHS?

The book Huck Finn is about a boy who lives in Mississippi. The author Mark Twain has many controversial issues in the book. But I think it shouldn't be taught in school. But I have one reason why it should be. One reason Huck Fin shouldn’t be taught in school is the language Mark Twain uses, the second is because of the stuff Huck does. The reason why it should be taught in school is because it teaches you a lot through out the book.

One reason why Huck Finn shouldn’t be taught in school is the language it uses. Huck does not care what people think, so in the book Mark Twain makes him use some words that shouldn’t be said. In the first and second chapter he use the "N" word a lot. This isn’t the 1800’s; you can’t use that kind of language. A lot of people might get offended if they read the book and seen how many times it was used.

The second reason it shouldn’t be taught in school is because of the stuff Huck does. He runs away, curses, smokes, and sneaks out. When people read this book they don’t want their kids thinking that they can smoke or curse. Not all kids are like this but some are. When them kind of kids read the book they will think that they can get away with that. Also he lies all the time. Kids might think if they lie they can get away with stuff.

Finally the reason I think it should be taught is because you could learn a lot from it. The book is different because of the way it was written. He wrote it the way he speaks. It is really hard to follow. It could teach them how to read in different ways.

As you can see Huck Finn is very controversial. The way he talks, and the things he does. But it is also a god learning too. It could teach kids how to read better