Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD Reflection.

This year during NHD I learned a lot of new things. I learned where to go if I need to find news paper articles. I learned the correct way to do annotations. During NHD I learned how to paraphrase and which sources to cite when doing footnotes. 

This year I could have done a few things differently. I could have put more details in about things I didn't talk about enough. I could have put in a few quotes in about what other people thought about her. I don't think I put in enough information about why she started the National Women's Party. 

NHD was really different for me this year. Last year I just wrote my paper and than at the last minute put my thesis statement in there. This year I wrote my thesis before everything. I wrote down every website I used, last year I had to keep going back and looking for each one because I didn't think to write them all down.