Thursday, October 30, 2008


Alice Paul, is known for working with the women's suffrage. She was one of the reasons why the 9th Amendment and the Equal Rights Amendment were passed. She joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association(NAWSA) because of her beliefs for equal rights. This lead to the beginning of the National Women's Party(NWP). Alice Paul did everything she could to get the rights for women to vote. In 1977, she organized a march in Washington D.C to show how bad her and other women wanted the chance to have a say in what goes. After, the 9th amendment was passed she wanted more. She started to push for the Equal Rights Amendment. The Equal Rights Amendment, like the 19th amendment, took a while to pass. It finally passed in 1970, but not enough states ratified it. It took about 10 years for it to be passed. But, no matter what happened weather she was arrested, beat up, or had to starve herself, she never stopped trying to make men rights as equal as women's.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Annotation #4.

"Alice Paul Biography." Women of History. 23 Oct 2008 .

This is a secondary source. It is a biography of Alice Paul's whole life. They talk about her background, family, education, and involvement in the women suffrage.

This is a really good source for me. It lets people understand her family life a little more. They talk about her education. They also talk about how she got started in the Women's suffrage. It says her beliefs in the womens rights to vote, and equal rights.

Thesis Statement.

I believe Alice Paul was one of the reasons the 19th Amendment and Equal Rights Amendments were passed. Alice Paul joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) because she believed that women should the right to vote. After that she decided she wanted more, she started the National Womens Party(NWP) in 1913. This , group worked at a federal level to pass the bill. In 1920, when the 19th Amendment was passed Alice Paul wanted even more then the right to vote. She wanted the Equal Rights Amendment passed also. It took years but in 1970 the bill finally passed. Although not enough states ratified it in time it was passed within 10 years. Alice Paul was decided to equals rights for men and women, it just shows when you really want something your willing to go out and get it.

Annotation #3.

"The Alice Paul Memorial March, Washington, D.C. 1977." 23 Oct 2008 .

This is a secondary source. This article is about the memorial march they had for Alice Paul.

This article could be very helpful to me. Not only do they talk about the memorial march but they talk about the first one. The march is an important part of my research. I think it was symbolic and showed how dedicated women were. The article says the importance of the march to the women's suffrage.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Annoation #2

Lewis, Jone. "Alice Paul." 20 Oct 2008

This is a secondary source. It says important dates and different books on Alice Paul. This could help me find out important events and books I could use to do my paper.

In this article it talks about important dates. Also, how Alice Paul started the National Women's Party (NWP). It talks the difference between the NWP and the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). The article also talks about the Equal Rights Amendment.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

First Annotation.

Rebecca Carol, Kristina Myers, Dr. Janet Lindman., "Alice Paul Biography." Alice Paul Institute. Alice Paul Institute. 16 Oct 2008 .

This article is about the life of Alice Paul. It talks about where she grew up, and about her parents. The article also, talks about how she got into the women's suffrage and what she did for it.

The article is a secondary source. It tells me a lot of things about Alice Paul's life. This article helps me because it tells me about things I want to learn about her. In the article it talks about everything she did for the women's suffrage. It talks about how she started the National Women's Party. Also, about the things she went through to get the 19th amendment passed.

Topic Selection.

For NHD this year I choose Alice Paul because I am interested in what she did for the women's suffrage. She is important to history because without her efforts we might not have had the right to vote. Also, we wouldn't have the National Women's Party, and the World Women's Party.