Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Service learning 05/15

1. We haven't really been planning anything because the fair is over but we are looking for things to do to help cancer. We watched a video about what it's like to be in a family with a child with cancer. 

a. I was frustrated when Mrs.D made us write about our experience at the fair and what we would do to change it because it good and we aren't even doing it next year.

b. Through service learning i have learned the following about the issue of cancer. I learned that it can happen at any age and can keep coming back no matter what. 

c. I found out that when the parents with cancer complain about their lives being wrecked they aren't lying because it is hard to see your child that way.

d. I learned that i feel worse for kids with cancer. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Service Learning 05/09

1a. I have learned about childhood cancer. I learned how it affected kids, how they were treated and different kinds that I didn't know about. 
b. Through service learning I learned that not only the kids are affected by cancer but their family, friends, and the people around them.
c. If I were in charge of this group I would change how many fundraisers we do and how often we do them.

2. For May 15 we could talk about another fundraiser next year, different kinds of fundraisers we could do, and how we can get the word out more. 

3. I read Nikki's blog and she is in N.H.D survival. She said that they are making a documentary about the right and wrong ways to do N.H.D. The subject they picked was crooked police. They started shooting the other day. They are going to have mini papers, plays, and exhibits. 

Friday, May 2, 2008

Service learning 5/1/08

We didnt really do much at the meeting but talk about who was going on saturday. We also advertised around the school.